Ira's blog

Recently, YL Doll released new photos with the YL-150/BB body style and the ›Lori‹ head.

With a bust of imposing 116 cm, the YL-155/BB is currently the most busty body style in our portfolio.

Recently, YL Doll released new photots with YL-148 body style and the ›Leslie‹ head.

In this sense: Merry Christmas!

Recently, OR Doll released new photots with the new OR-166 body style and the ›Hedy‹ head.

Recently, YL Doll released new photots with YL-155/D body style and the ›Yuki‹ head.

Recently, YL Doll released new photots with YL-155/D body style and the ›Yuki‹ head.

By the way, the YL Doll Christmas Sale still runs by the end of the year. During this sale, you can choose a second head free together with any doll by YL.

Recently, YL Doll released new photots with YL-155/D body style and the new ›Lori‹ head.

Recently, YL Doll released new photots with YL-155/D body style and the new ›Rachael‹ head.

Recently, YL Doll released new photots with YL-135 body style and ›Kylie‹ head (Jinsan head no. 115).

Recently, YL Doll released new photots with YL-148 body style and Lori head.

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