Thermoplastische Elastomere (auch: lineare Elastomere; Abk.: TPE) sind Kunststoffe, die sich unter Wärmezufuhr plastisch verformen lassen.

Movement of the hand wrists

Movement of the hand wrists on a TPE love doll by Doll House 168.

Today, Doll House 168 released a new photo set with TPE love doll DH138 and ›Koi‹ head.

Doll House 168 Rin with DH158 body

Doll House 168 Rin with DH158 body.

Doll House 168 Yui with DS161 body

Doll House 168 Yui with DS161 body

Doll House 168 Momo with DS138 body

Doll House 168 Momo with DS138 body.

Doll House 168 Koi with DS138 body

Doll House 168 Koi with DS138 body.

Doll House 168 Kaede with DS161 body

Doll House 168 Kaede with DS161 body.

Doll House 168 Aoi with DS161 body

Doll House 168 Aoi with DS161 body.

Doll House 168 Faye with DS161 body

Doll House 168 Faye with DS161 body.

Today, Doll House 168 released the first images of a new TPE head called ›Faye‹. The head fits to the DH161 and DH158 body style.

As well the head sculpt as the images were created by Wesly aka Mizuwali himself. The photos show the body style DH161 (161 cm) in skin tone "White" ("light").

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