Poseability of Onedoll A006 ›Lisa‹ (168 cm)

This video demonstrates the poseability of the silicone love doll Onedoll A006 ›Lisa‹ (168 cm).

Poseability of Onedoll's A005 ›Ozawa‹ (154 cm)

This video demonstrates the poseability of the silicone love doll Onedoll A005 ›Ozawa‹ (154 cm).

Poseability of DS Doll 145 plus

Demonstration of a DS Doll's 145 plus poseability.

Positioning a Doll Sweet doll's eyes

Positioning a Doll Sweet doll's eyes.

In three minutes, this video demonstrates, how the eyes of a DS doll are positioned and how the line of sight can be determined properly. By this, the doll is enabled to show different facial expressions and to look more life-like than a doll with fixed eyes.

Visiting DS Doll's factory (2)

A adult acress from Japan is visiting DS Doll's factory.

Visiting DS Doll's factory

In this ten-minute-video you pay DS Doll's factory a short visit. Topics covered are quality assurance, sculpting, manufacturing, and development of dolls. Additionally, you get a glimpse on silicone molds, cleaning and the final quality control.

Also there are short statements by Quality officer Er Sho, Art Directors Wang and Qing L., Engeneer Cloud, Finanical Officer Sunday J., and Creative Director Qiao Wu.

Legs of YL Doll 135 cm Viola

This video demonstrates the range of movement of the legs of YL Doll's 135 cm TPE doll Viola.

Legs of DS Doll 145

Demonstration of the range of movement of the legs of a DS Doll 145 by Doll Sweet.

Exchanging the eyes of a Doll Sweet doll

This videos demonstrates how the eyes of a doll by Doll Sweet's can be exchanged.

Alternatively, you might use two teaspoons to get hold of the eyeball. Take extra care not to use force!

Arms and fingers of YL Doll 135 cm Viola

This video shows the possible movements of arms and fingers of YL Doll's 135 cm TPE doll Viola.

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