Life-sized dolls

Life-size dolls have a body size that corresponds to the adult. The spectrum ranges from dolls that are slightly larger than the statistical average to the equivalent of short-lived and extremely short-lived people.

In smaller female dolls, the proportions of average women are usually reduced to scale, but especially in smaller models there are also transitions into the fantasy and fairytale world, for example in the form of elves or manga dolls.

The DH20-140/E is a medium-sized silicone love doll from the 2020 model lineup by Doll House 168. The doll has a body height of about 140 cm and weights ca. 23 kg (manufacturer specs).

Body measurements: 67 cm (breasts) × 44,5 cm (waist) × 78 cm (hips) / 46 cm (under bust) / 19,5 cm (neck) / 28 cm (shoulder) / 35 cm (thigh length) / 40 cm (thigh circumference) / 37 cm (low leg length) / 25 cm (calf circumference) / 21,5 cm (upperarm length) / 18,5 cm (upperarm girth) / 21 cm (forearm length) / 18 cm (forearm girth) / 19 cm (length of foot).

By default, this doll is equipped with the enhanced EVO skeleton; she has a foam core inside, and the breasts are gel filled hollow design.

Some attributes of this love doll may be individually customized; however, skin tone, eye color, lip color, nipple color, and labia color are fixed as of 12/2020.

From 2020 model lineup
EVO skeleton by default
Made of silicone
Doll House 168 DH20-140/E body style with ›Lazuli‹ head - silicone
Doll House 168 DH20-140/E body style with ›Lazuli‹ head - siliconeDoll House 168 DH20-140/E body style with ›Lazuli‹ head - siliconeDoll House 168 DH20-140/E body style with ›Lazuli‹ head - siliconeDoll House 168 DH20-140/E body style with ›Lazuli‹ head - siliconeDoll House 168 DH20-140/E body style with ›Lazuli‹ head - siliconeDoll House 168 DH20-140/E body style with ›Lazuli‹ head - siliconeDoll House 168 DH20-140/E body style with ›Lazuli‹ head - siliconeDoll House 168 DH20-140/E body style with ›Lazuli‹ head - siliconeDoll House 168 DH20-140/E body style with ›Lazuli‹ head - siliconeDoll House 168 DH20-140/E body style with ›Lazuli‹ head - siliconeDoll House 168 DH20-140/E body style with ›Lazuli‹ head - siliconeDoll House 168 DH20-140/E body style with ›Lazuli‹ head - siliconeDoll House 168 DH20-140/E body style with ›Lazuli‹ head - siliconeDoll House 168 DH20-140/E body style with ›Lazuli‹ head - siliconeDoll House 168 DH20-140/E body style with ›Lazuli‹ head - silicone
2.844€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

The WM-155/L is a medium- to life-sized TPE love doll by WM Dolls. This doll features a body size of ca. 155 cm (5 in. 8 ft.) and weights about 34,1 kg (manufacturer specs).

Body measurements: 95 cm (breasts) x 47 cm (waist) x 92 cm (hips) / 51 cm (under bust) / 32 cm (shoulder width) / 83 cm (leg Length) / 59 cm (arm length) / 22 cm (arm girth) / 52 cm (thigh girth) / 34 cm (calf girth) / 20 cm (foot length).

Lots of attributes may be customized; for example, you can select diffent skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from WM Dolls.

WM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPE
WM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPEWM Dolls WM-155/L body style with no. 370 head (Jinsan no. 370) - TPE
1.773€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

The WM-170/D is a life-sized female TPE love doll by WM Dolls. The WM-170/D has a body height of about 170 cm and weights ca. 36.2 kg.

Body measurements: 83 cm (breasts) x 52 cm (waist) x 93 cm (hips) / 58 cm (under bust) / 36 cm (shoulder width) / 63 cm (arm length) / 98 cm (leg length) / 24 cm (arm girth) / 54 cm (thigh girth) / 33 cm (calf girth) / 21 cm (foot length).

Many of attributes may be customized individually; for example, you can select different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from other TPE love dolls.

WM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPE
WM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPEWM Dolls WM-170/D body style with no. 56 head - TPE
1.892€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

The HR-150/E is a medium to life-sized female TPE love doll by HR Doll. The HR-150/E has a body heigth of about 150 cm and weights ca. 32 kg (manufacturer specs).

Body measurements: 89 cm (breasts) / 47 cm (waist) / 84 cm (hips) / 33 cm (shoulder width) / 54 cm (arm length) / 72 cm (leg length) / 21 cm (foot length).

Many attributes may be customized; for example, you can select diffent skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors.

HR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPE
HR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPEHR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPEHR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPEHR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPEHR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPEHR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPEHR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPEHR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPEHR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPEHR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPEHR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPEHR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPEHR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPEHR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPEHR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPEHR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPEHR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPEHR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPEHR Doll HR-150/E body style with no. 43 head - TPE
1.599€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

The WM-174/G is a life-sized female TPE love doll by WM Dolls. This tall doll has a body height of about 174 cm (5’8″) and weights ca. 41 kg (90 lbs 6 oz, with head; manufacturer specs).

Body measurements: 86 cm / 33.9 in (breasts) x 66 cm / 26 in (waist) x 100 cm / 39.4 in (hips) / 58 cm / 22.8 in (under bust) / 33 cm / 13 in (shoulder width) / 68 cm / 26.8 in (arm length) / 88 cm / 34.6 in (leg length) / 49 cm / 19.3 in (thigh girth) / 33 cm / 13 in (calf girth) / 20 cm / 7.9 in (foot length).

Many attributes of this doll can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

WM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPE
WM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 382 head (Jinsan no. 382) - TPEWM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 273 and 368 heads - factory photo (12/2020WM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 273 and 368 heads - factory photo (12/2020WM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 273 and 368 heads - factory photo (12/2020WM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 273 and 368 heads - factory photo (12/2020WM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 273 and 368 heads - factory photo (12/2020WM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 273 and 368 heads - factory photo (12/2020WM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 273 and 368 heads - factory photo (12/2020WM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 273 and 368 heads - factory photo (12/2020WM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 273 and 368 heads - factory photo (12/2020WM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 273 and 368 heads - 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factory photo (01/2021WM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 237 and 370 heads - factory photo (01/2021WM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 237 and 370 heads - factory photo (01/2021WM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 237 and 370 heads - factory photo (01/2021WM Dolls WM-174/G body style with no. 237 and 370 heads - factory photo (01/2021
2.011€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

The WM-167/G is a life-sized female TPE love doll by WM Dolls. This muscular doll has a body height of about 167 cm and weights ca. 42 kg (manufacturer specs).

Body measurements: 93 cm (breasts) x 60 cm (waist) x 88 cm (hips) / 68 cm (under bust) / 40 cm (shoulder width) / 57 cm (arm length) / 80 cm (leg length) / 54 cm (thigh girth) / 36 cm (calf girth) / 13 cm (wrist girth) / 21 cm (foot length).

Many attributes of this doll can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

WM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPE
WM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPEWM Dolls WM-167/G body style with no. 361 head (Jinsan no. 361) - TPE
1.773€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

The JY-T161/G is a life-sized female love doll by JY Doll. Her body size is about 161 cm, and she weights ca. 38 kg (manufacturer specs).

This JY-T161/G is made of TPE.

Body measurements: 78 cm × 46 cm × 91 cm (B×W×H) / 58 cm (under bust) / 27 cm (neck) / 34 cm (shoulder width) / 62 cm (arm length) / 86 cm (leg length) / 13 cm (palm length) / 21 cm (foot length).

Many attributes may be customized; for example, you can select different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from JY Doll.

JY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybrid
JY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-161/B body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-T161/G body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - factory photo (05/202JY Doll JY-T161/G body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - factory photo (05/202JY Doll JY-T161/G body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - factory photo (05/202JY Doll JY-T161/G body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - factory photo (05/202JY Doll JY-T161/G body style with ›Sylvia‹ silicone head - factory photo (05/202
1.773€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

The JY-171/H is a life-sized female love doll by JY Doll. Her body size is about 171 cm, and she weights ca. 45 kg (manufacturer specs).

This body is made of TPE. The JY-171/H body style is currently one of the tallest love dolls by JY Doll.

Body measurements: 91 cm × 57 cm × 92 cm (B×W×H) / 61 cm (under bust) / 30 cm (neck) / 23 cm (shoulder width) / 68 cm (arm length) / 87 cm (leg length) / 17 cm (palm length) / 22 cm (foot length).

Many attributes may be customized; for example, you can select different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from JY Doll.

JY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybrid
JY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybridJY Doll JY-171/H body style with ›Leona‹ silicone head - TPE/silicone hybrid
1.980€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

The AK-S158/B is a life-sized female love doll by Angel Kiss. This doll has a body height of about 158 cm and weights ca. 33 kg (manufacturer specs). This doll is made of silicone.

Body measurements: 80 cm (breasts) x 57 cm (waist) x 87 cm (hips) / 66 cm (under bust) / 33 cm (shoulder width) / 21 cm (arm girth) / 62 cm (arm length) / 47 cm (thigh girth) / 30 cm (calf girth) / 73 cm (inner leg length) / 21 cm (foot).

Many attributes of this doll can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

Full silicone doll
WM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - silicone
WM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - siliconeWM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - siliconeWM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - siliconeWM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - siliconeWM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - siliconeWM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - siliconeWM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - siliconeWM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - siliconeWM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - siliconeWM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - siliconeWM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - siliconeWM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - siliconeWM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - siliconeWM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - siliconeWM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - siliconeWM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - siliconeWM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - siliconeWM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - siliconeWM Dolls WMS-158/B body style with no. 85 head - silicone
3.558€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

The AD-170/G aka Savannah is a life-sized female love doll by Climax Doll. The AD-170/G has a body height of ca. 170 cm (with head) respectively 152 cm (without head) and weights about 56 kg (manufacturer specs).

The body is made of TPE, the Savannah is made of silicone. The 6th Anniversary Edition includes the premium EVO skeleton, permanent makeup, and implanted eyebrows and lower eyelashes.

Body measurements: 97 cm × 68 cm × 115 cm (B×W×H) / 72 cm (under bust) / 42 cm (shoulder) / 104 cm (leg length) / 56 cm (thigh) / 66 cm (arm length) / 24 cm (foot length).

Lots of attributes may be customized; for example, you can select diffent skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from other love dolls.

6th Anniversary Edition
Silicone head Savannah
EVO skeleton
Climax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/silicone
Climax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/siliconeClimax Doll AD-170/G body style (= AD17093S) with ›Savannah‹ head - TPE/silicone
1.880€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT
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